What is a domain name?

A domain name (eg webaltar.gr) is the address of a web page and consists of the name (domain, eg: webaltar) and the suffix (TLD, eg: .gr) that identifies the geographical origin or site property.

What is the maximum registration period?

You can register and renew .gr domains from 2 to 10 years and .eu, .com etc from 1 to 10 years.

How to choose the "right" domain name?
  • It should be short, clear and easy to memorize
  • Contain your keywords or your domain or just be your name.
  • Identify the area you are in or address.
  • The new extensions describe exactly the content of your site, eg balloon.store
Which characters are allowed to be used

Latin and Greek characters numbers and dashes (eg: 1,2,3, -) are allowed,
Symbols and punctuation are not allowed (eg: +,?, &, *,% Etc).

How do I pay and when will my domain be accessible?

You can pay securely by credit/debit card or via direct bank deposit.
The domain will be operational within 24 hours (if you declare the Nameservers of the hosting provider) from the moment of registration.

Can I register a domain without hosting?

Yes ! In fact, you can buy a domain without a hosting plan, although Nothing will appear when someone enters your domain.